Taskotop on the weba project by dleidi Taskotop is a tool to check what taskomatic is currently doing on a SUSE Manager server: it's a command line python tool. The core of the tool is to get some info about jobs that taskomatic is running with a fixed time cycle running some queries and showing results to the shell. |
Add a ncurse UI to wiresharkan idea by aaptel Wireshark has a CLI program called |
My Epitapha project by aocole Create a site where users can post their desired epitaph |
Improving Jangouts UXan invention by IGonzalezSosa For some of us, Jangouts has become a tool we use everyday. It works (most of the time) and it helps to reduce the impact of having a distributed team. |
Better support for Chromebooksan idea by suntorytimed Better support for Chromebooks |
Suse Manager - SPAa project by LuNeves The experience while navigating throughout the UI of Suse Manager it's not that nice. Whenever we navigate to a new page, the whole page gets refreshed and recreated, even when half of it didn't change a thing, for instance, the menu, topbar, and the notifications WebSocket connection, which in my opinion doesn't provide a smooth experience. |
UI/UX User testing and feedbacka project by lharden |
Bugzilla mobile clientan idea by paolodepa Project Description |