Projects in the topic samba

Build and validate a scale-out Samba/CTDB cluster atop CephFS

an invention by dmdiss

Samba and CTDB rely heavily on POSIX fcntl locks for data and meta-data integrity. This functionality was recently fixed in CephFS, opening up the possibility to use CephFS as an underlying filesystem for a scale-out Samba/CTDB cluster. Such an architecture should perform and scale much better than the existing single Samba + VFS module gateway.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Implement Samba support for DUPLICATE_EXTENTS SMB3 fcntl

an idea by dmdiss

<pre> FSCTLDUPLICATEEXTENTSTOFILE is a new SMB3 ioctl introduced with

Updated about 4 years ago. No love. Has no hacker: grab it!

Use Ceph RADOS key-value store as a dbwrap backend for Samba

a project by dmdiss

Ceph offers a highly scalable and fault-tolerant storage system. Samba is already capable of sharing data located on the Ceph Filesystem, however scale-out sharing (the same data exposed by multiple Samba nodes) currently requires the use of CTDB for consistent and coherent state across Samba cluster nodes. In such a setup CTDB provides a clustered database with persistent key-value data storage and locking. Database usage is abstracted out via a generic dbwrap interface. Ceph's librados library provides an API for the storage and retrieval of arbitrary key-value data via the omap functions. A watch/notify protocol is also provided as a mechanism for synchronising client state (locking). Key-value data stored in the RADOS back-end inherits the same redundancy features as regular objects, making it a potentially good candidate as a replacement for CTDB in scale-out Samba clusters.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Samba in Kubernetes (for openSUSE)

a project by dmulder

Project Description

The SINK project is a set of containers and tools for Samba in Kubernetes. The images and tooling for the project are designed for Fedora and RH systems. The ultimate goal of this project is to tweak the tooling for use with our build service, etc.

Updated about 1 year ago. No love. 1 follower.