Projects in the topic salt
Salt is Python-based, open-source software for event-driven IT automation, remote task execution, and configuration management.

Saline: Salt state appliement monitoring

a project by vzhestkov

Project Description

In case of applying states for a huge number of minions it's very hard to monitor the status of applying the states.

Updated almost 2 years ago. No love. 1 follower.

Uyuni test suite improvements

a project by dgedon

Project Description

Uyuni is the upstream community project from which the very popular SUSE Manager is derived. It uses its own QE test suite wirtten in Cucumber and Ruby. Currently the Uyuni test suite runs with Ruby 2.5.9 which is EOL since 2021. This is because the most current Ruby version for openSUSE Leap 15.4, which the test suite controller runs on, is still Ruby 2.5.9. Updating the Ruby version allows us to modernize the test suite code base and to use more recent Ruby gems that do not support the old Ruby version anymore.

Updated about 1 year ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Saline (state deployment control and monitoring tool for SUSE Manager/Uyuni)

a project by vizhestkov

Project Description

Saline is an addition for salt used in SUSE Manager/Uyuni aimed to provide better control and visibility for states deploymend in the large scale environments.

Updated 6 months ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager

a project by dvosburg

Project Description

Ignition and combustion are the json configuration files used in SLE Micro/Leap Micro/Microos/ALP. These originated in Fedora CoreOS - so it is not distribution-specific.

Updated 6 months ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.