Projects in the topic postgresql


a project by darix

A web frontend for the mirrors in the mirrorbrain database to allow the mirror admins to manage their entries themself. You might know MirrorBrain already: our download redirector and Torrent/Metalink generator used u.a. on It's really a great tool that plays a hidden key role inside the openSUSE infrastructure.

Updated over 4 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

SUSE Manager / Salt integration revisited

a project by j_renner

There is a number of possible improvements to the architecture of SUSE Manager / Salt integration that should be investigated in order to improve the reliability and scalability of the backend: 1. Actions are currently scheduled in the minions using the schedule module of Salt. This brings problems with reliability as for instance a minion can be down at the specified schedule time which leads to actions not being executed. Scalability can be an issue as actions being scheduled for many minions might return results to the server at the same time. Instead it might be better to keep control over scheduled actions on the server to allow batching of actions as well as downtimes of minions or even the server. There is a work in progress branch to get started.

Updated over 2 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

kubeojo: Health metrics for products and testsuites

a project by dmaiocchi

Updated over 2 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Uyuni: improve spacewalk-repo-sync performance

a project by moio

Let's make reposync faster

Every day,

Updated over 2 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Evaluate mirrormanager (or mirrormanager2) for mirror management

a project by lrupp

As there is no progress around MIrrorPinky since 5 years now, let's say the project is dead and look for something different, which allows Mirror administrators to edit the settings of their own mirrors. The Fedora people developed a WebUI named mirrormanager for their admins - let's see if we can get it somehow connected to our MIrrorBrain database and use this as frontend instead.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Polish filtra and move data collection to Postresql

a project by jochenbreuer

Last hackweek filtra was created – a tool to extract information like lead and cycle times from Github repos for (but not limited to) projects that are doing Kanban. The collected metrics can then be visualized with Grafana. Currently there are two problems with filtra:

Updated over 4 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Near-zero downtime upgrades for stateful services with Rancher

an idea by mlnoga

Project Description

Containers are great for scaling stateless services and making them robust. However, stateful services like databases continue to pose challenges. In particular, upgrading a running database service to a new version with near zero downtime is not trivial. Wouldn't it be great if a helm chart or K8S operator could automatically take care of this for you? This would allow you to fire up a database in your K8S cluster and consume it as-a-service. And put us one step closer to building a private cloud that runs anywhere, powered by pure open source.

Updated over 3 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower. Has no hacker: grab it!

Port the Minion job queue to TypeScript

an invention by kraih

Project Description

As part of the mojo.js project i want to port the Minion job queue from Perl to TypeScript and release it as an npm package. In the future this will allow parts of Mojolicious applications like openQA to be written in TypeScript/JavaScript (in addition to Perl).

Updated over 1 year ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

Learn PostgreSQL advanced features

an invention by okurz


The PostgreSQL database implementation is an integral part of many important software stacks, most importantly for me openQA. I learned database "by doing" but never properly. Given that we recently had (again) an incident related to specific details of how a database behaves under load maybe it's time to learn more about PostgreSQL.

Updated over 1 year ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.