Projects in the topic mlops

FuseML - accelerate your Hack Week ML projects

a project by stefannica

Project Description

So you have an idea for a machine learning project for HackWeek. Have you thought about what tools you'll be using? Choosing the right set of machine learning tools and making them work together can be time consuming, not to mention the unavoidable learning curve. Perhaps you could use some help with that.

Updated about 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 5 followers.

Hack on project MONAI (Medical Open Network for Artificial Intelligence)

an invention by jordimassaguerpla

Project Description

MONAI is a set of open-source, freely available collaborative frameworks built for accelerating research and clinical collaboration in Medical Imaging. The goal is to accelerate the pace of innovation and clinical translation by building a robust software framework that benefits nearly every level of medical imaging, deep learning research, and deployment.

Updated about 1 year ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Package MONAI Machine Learning Models for Medical Applications

an invention by jordimassaguerpla

Project Description

MONAI Deploy aims to become the de-facto standard for developing packaging, testing, deploying, and running medical AI applications in clinical production. MONAI Deploy creates a set of intermediate steps where researchers and physicians can build confidence in the techniques and approaches used with AI — allowing for an iterative workflow.

Updated 5 months ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.