Predictive test selection for SUSE Manageran idea by jordimassaguerpla I once had a bad dream. |
Face recognition on nextcloud with TPUa project by jordimassaguerpla Project Description |
Bird watcher with Raspberry Pia project by scuescu |
Hack on project MONAI (Medical Open Network for Artificial Intelligence)an invention by jordimassaguerpla Project Description |
Learn about AI, ML, neural networks and see what's possible with SUSE Linuxa project by rsimai Everybody is talking about (and with) ChatGPT. I tried it and was impressed by how well the language model behaves and finally how real and humanly it appears, despite the obvious nonsense that it outputs. I was wondering how machine learning practically works and how to build a neural network. |
Package MONAI Machine Learning Models for Medical Applicationsan invention by jordimassaguerpla Project Description |
COOTWbota project by ngetahun |