Go async (and non-blocking) with HTTP requestsa project by j_renner There is a couple of libraries available for asynchronous and non-blocking processing of HTTP requests (in Java) that can be used to avoid having threads waiting for responses in request intensive applications, for example: |
Clean up the Uyuni frontend stacka project by j_renner Many of the Uyuni / SUSE Manager web UIs are still based on the no longer maintained Struts framework (version 1.2!) and implemented as JSP pages, while we added newer features based on the Spark framework and React. For me there is a vision of using only one technology stack (especially just one web framework, frontend framework and template engine) eventually, so it is about time to get rid of the old stack. While this is surely a huge effort, why not start with a new login page and then go from there rewriting other pages one by one? |
Bean Counter - libre calorie tracker app for Androida record by gniebler To teach myself Java coding and Android development - and because I couldn't find one on FDroid - I decided to write myself a little Android calorie tracker app for my own, personal use. |
JetPad - Online collaborative text editora project by ammartinez At SUSE/openSUSE we are using (at least some times) Etherpad, whose functionality is really limited and looks as taken from the past. After taking a look to other possible Open Source alternatives, I think there is at the moment any which offers all the feature I would like to have. Because of that I would like to contribute to JetPad, with the idea of using it privately and that it can also be used by SUSE/openSUSE. |
Ant Ivy OBS resolveran invention by cbosdonnat SUSE Manager uses an ivy repository on the R&D network to get the packaged jar to build against. To remove the manual maintenance of that repository and allow external contributors to hack the Java code of Uyuni / SUSE Manager we need to provide an Ivy plugin that gets the jars directly from OBS. |
Package LanguageTool for openSUSEan invention by namtrac LanguageTool is a style and grammar checker for 25+ languages https://languagetool.org |
SUSE Manager: Windows client supportan idea by pagarcia Let's see how much, if any, of the steps described here I can get done: https://confluence.suse.com/display/SUSEMANAGER/Windows |
Investigate options to introduce Plugins to SUSE Managera project by cbosdonnat For years we have been discussing the idea to modularize SUSE Manager. This would enable developers to create their own extensions to SUSE Manager without needing to touch the core repository. |
Uyuni: re-architecting code with Akkaa project by moio Simplify the codebase by using a more modern toolkit to accelerate maintenance and future development. |
Provisioning Prometheus exporters with Uyuni revisiteda project by j_renner There is a number of annoyances and pending improvements when working with the Salt Formula for provisioning Prometheus Exporters in Uyuni: |