Inqlude, the Qt software archivea project by cschum During Hack Week 7 I worked on an archive of Qt-based libraries. The goal was to easily make all available Qt libraries accessible to developers. Think CPAN for Qt. So I hacked on a web site and a command line client. |
'Who's that guy?' - a floor based mini gamean invention by thutterer Documentation |
Jabber server side historya project by -miska- Finish extension for server side history for jabberd2 server and create a simple webui to browse it using tntnet. Part of the project is to learn to use tntnet toolkit, other part is to have server side history. |
QA Dashboard - provide a easy overview of the quality status of a product in developmenta project by xgonzo QA uses a dashboard (SUSE internal: http://qa.suse.de/dashboard/ ) to provide an overview of various data to assess the quality of a product. |
openQA Notifier - A Chrome extension for monitoring your openQA instance statusa project by mlin7442 Displays your openQA instance status, the feature/behavior should had at least like the list below, |
PXEAT - A PXE management toola project by whdu PXEAT (stand for PXE Administration Tool) is a tool to easily deploy and manage PXE service. |
grab this: localize new Jekyll opensuse software sitean invention by lnussel https://software.opensuse.org/ is aging. Richard made a proposal using Jekyll to statically generate a new layout: https://software.opensuse.org/newsite/, code at https://github.com/sysrich/new-software.o.o |
Mapping Open Source Governance Modelsan invention by cschum There are a lot of open source projects out there. They have a wide spectrum of governance models. It's a critical component to the success of a project so it's worth learning from others and consciously deciding on how governance is set up for a project. It's also a critical factor to assess projects and a subject for research. |
Goodbye Disteran invention by cschum SUSE Studio was shut down earlier this year. It has been online for more than ten years and there are tons of links and references out there. To not make them lead into the wasteland of 404 we should have a landing page on https://susestudio.com which leads to what users can use instead of SUSE Studio. |
LibertyDraft.deva record by hennevogel Discover Free Software projects that expose you to real-world tech problems so you can gain experience for the job market. |
RPG Tablea project by crichter I have build a table for our RPG sessions (DSA/Deadlands/Paranoia) which incorporates a large 24" LCD Display for showing maps during the sessions. |
YaST log grouping, better visualization of the loga project by lslezak Description |