Teach SUMA to sign repository metadata

an invention by mcalmer

Signing metadata requires a lot of manual interaction and knowledge of the customer. This was the reason why we never implemented it for SUMA as the benefit was very low. Now with the change in the zypp stack to not allow installing unsigned RPMs without user interaction or completly disabling GPG checks the benefit of such a feature increased.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

DIY smart thermostat with ESP8266

an invention by scabrero

Build a smart thermostat using an Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 board, a DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor and a 2.4 TFT touch panel. The requirements are:

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Create a DRM driver for Matrox desktop cards

an invention by tdz

(was: Create a DRM driver for Matrox G200) Even after 20 years, the Matrox G200 series is still an excellent 2d graphics card. Unfortunately, there's only an fbdev driver and a user-space driver. Both are obsolete, as modern Linux uses the DRM framework for managing graphics cards. There already is a DRM driver for the G200 server series. This driver is under-maintained and doesn't work with desktop chips.

Updated almost 2 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

STEM Workshop in Montessori School

an invention by ilausuch


Working on the documentation...

Updated almost 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Learn and Document how to install a SAP Hana ScaleOut Cluster

an invention by dakechi

This nowadays is a supported HANA Scenario that has no much knowledge and documentation around. This project is basically to explore what we currently have, and maybe document some initial good practices around SAP HANA Scale-out to facilitate future developments and also our current supports.

Updated almost 6 years ago. No love.

Status plugin for Mojolicious

an invention by kraih

To make it easier to debug openQA and Cavil i want to build a plugin similar to the mod_status Apache module for the Mojolicious web framework. Figuring out how to combine HTTP and WebSockets should be interesting. If time permits i also want to make it look a little bit like the Minion Admin UI from my last HackWeek project.

Updated about 2 years ago. No love.

Continue reading "Containerization with LXC" by Konstantin Ivanov and play around with LXC containers

an invention by gniebler

I bought and started reading this book a little while back and also "played along" by creating unprivileged LXC containers on my own system. I would like to continue this exploration by reading on in the book and creating, configuring, managing, destroying... further containers.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Introduction to parallel computing using CUDA (using AWS and openCV)

an invention by riafarov


GPUs are widely used for parallel computations and CUDA is platform which simplifies development of such applications for NVidia GPUs.

Updated over 4 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

SUMA add test=True for highstate to UI

an invention by mcalmer

First thing you learn, when you start with salt, is to use test=True before you really call the highstate. This is not yet possible from the SUSE Manager UI.

Updated over 4 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

add features to libstorage-ng

an invention by aschnell

Add some features to libstorage-ng. - Support for F2FS

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Write a reporting script using SMELT

an invention by vitezslav_cizek

I'd like to write a tool that reports user's OBS work done in a given time frame (eg. week). It'll collect all the packages he/she submitted, all the reviews done or all the maintenance updates started or processed.

Updated about 3 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Improve OBS service scripts

an invention by enavarro_suse

For every instance of OBS, each time the obs-api package is updated the obsapidelayed service is reloaded. This takes more time than is expected. Task to be done are:

Updated about 2 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

The SUSE Game

an invention by ilausuch

** UPDATE ** After a week of hard but passionate work we have managed to finish the first version of The SUSE Game with a surprising final!

Updated about 3 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Transact all the THINGS - sorting out my personal infra

an invention by RBrownSUSE

I currently have a lot of personal infrastructure that is in need of some tender loving care and transactionalisation https://rootco.de is running on a Leap 42.3 Hetzner box. I'd like to replace this with something transactional (either Kubic, Leap 15 or Tumbleweed transactional server)

Updated about 4 years ago. No love.

Check health of my openSUSE packages

an invention by pluskalm

  • Check packages that I maintain or are in devel projects that where I am maintainer and update them.
  • Check bugzilla for issues filled for said packages
Updated over 3 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Architecting a Machine Learning project with SUSE CaaSP

an invention by jordimassaguerpla

The goal of this project is to get an overview of the state-of-the-art technology on training and deploying machine learning projects with kubernetes and apply that to a SUSE CaaSP cluster. With that in mind, we will train and deploy a model for summarizing github issues:

Updated over 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

SUSE Quiet (This year's Hackweek band)

an invention by jctmichel

SUSE Quiet is an acoustic version of SUSE Loud, the former SUSE Band from Maxtorhof. We will be making our debut on Thursday evening at the Hackweek Party.

Updated about 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Try SLES on Hyper-V 2019 (build 17692)

an invention by michalnowak

I'll have a look at Hyper-V 2019 test build and how SLES guest plays with it.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Learn Go (language)

an invention by vsistek

I plan to learn Go, first by going through the official 'Tour of Go', then implementing simple caldav client to help me with work reports.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Having a chat with the vacuum cleaner

an invention by rhafer

The vacuum cleaner from Ecovacs use XMPP (or at least something very similar to it) to communicate with their respective mobile apps. Based on the things available in https://github.com/wpietri/sucks and https://github.com/torbjornaxelsson/bumper I'd like to implement a small replacement for the server side to be able to run that on my local server.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Try Linux subsystem on Windows Server 2019

an invention by michalnowak

Deploy openSUSE Leap 15.0 image to Linux subsystem on Windows Server 2019 and try things around.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Try Docker openSUSE image on Windows Server 2019

an invention by michalnowak

Docker for Windows 18.03 CE supports Linux containers on Windows Server. Let's try that.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Mapping Open Source Governance Models

an invention by cschum

There are a lot of open source projects out there. They have a wide spectrum of governance models. It's a critical component to the success of a project so it's worth learning from others and consciously deciding on how governance is set up for a project. It's also a critical factor to assess projects and a subject for research. To facilitate all this a map of the models in use is a helpful resource. This project is about collecting data about open source governance models, make it available in a machine-readable form, and provide an overview via a web page.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Swift + Monasca: Sending all the Swift metrics Monasca's way

an invention by mattoliverau

Monasca is a powerful tool in the OpenStack arsenal. It brings metrics and alarms to the operator. It even pairs grafana with horizon. It currently monitors Swift, but just the processes. But there is so much more we can grab. Swift actually generates heaps of metrics. For one It has supported sending metrics via statsd for years. All the internal daemons send statsd. Further, built into each server is a reconnaissance API (recon), that you can hit over REST or by using the swift-recon tool. Swift operators have been using these for years.

Updated almost 6 years ago. No love.

Test unofficial SLES LX images on SmartOS

an invention by michalnowak

SmartOS is converged container and virtual machine hypervisor based on illumos, an OpenSolaris fork. SmartOS supports KVM & bhyve hypervisors and illumos, LX, & Docker zones ("containers"). There are LX-branded openSUSE & SLES images unofficial. LX-brand is implementation of Linux API on SmartOS (similar to Microsoft's Windows subsystem for Linux).

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Setup matrix internal instance, with IRC bridge to internal IRC server

an invention by fcrozat

Matrix (https://matrix.org/blog/home/ ) is a slack / rocket-chat clone, fully decentralized. It supports a lot of clients and bridges to various networks, including IRC.

Updated about 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.


an invention by pdostal

The most important task for my first hackweek - accessibility of the Gnome Shell. There's the project called gnome-shell-mousewheel-zoom - not maintained for 6 years.

Updated over 1 year ago. No love. 1 follower.

Test FreeBSD Linux Binary Compatibility layer

an invention by michalnowak

Let's see how correctly the FreeBSD emulation layer works.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

File Database

an invention by hrommel1

When using files that should be in an accessible file system, quite often I have been in a situation where * I couldn't find a document by name but remembered attributes like 'document' (unclear which format) with '> 12 pages' and dates from '2011 - 2015'

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love.

Goodbye Dister

an invention by cschum

SUSE Studio was shut down earlier this year. It has been online for more than ten years and there are tons of links and references out there. To not make them lead into the wasteland of 404 we should have a landing page on https://susestudio.com which leads to what users can use instead of SUSE Studio. I did a mockup of a page which could be hosted there. See it at https://github.com/cornelius/goodbye-dister.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Improve performance of JRuby's hash implementation

an invention by cbruckmayer


JRuby is an implementation of Ruby on the JVM. It aims to be a complete, correct and fast implementation of Ruby, at the same time as providing powerful new features such as concurrency without a global-interpreter-lock, true parallelism, and tight integration to the Java language to allow you to use Java classes in your Ruby program and to allow JRuby to be embedded into a Java application.

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Make Ruqola Rocket.Chat client useable / submit to openSUSE Tumbleweed

an invention by zbenjamin

Update: Ruqola ('zypper in ruqola') is now in Tumbleweed and Leap 15.2! For Hack Week 19 (Feb 2020) main goal is to test, polish packaging, potentially do fixes and select a snapshot to submit to openSUSE Tumbleweed. Upstream made one release but it was not optimal, development pace has sped up a lot lately and the client has become more stable and usable.

Updated about 2 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Learn about Robotics

an invention by mstrigl

I want to learn more about robotics. The goal is to have a small robot at the end of the week. Since I have no clue of what I can do with robotics / what is possible I leave it open what the

Updated almost 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

Ant Ivy OBS resolver

an invention by cbosdonnat

SUSE Manager uses an ivy repository on the R&D network to get the packaged jar to build against. To remove the manual maintenance of that repository and allow external contributors to hack the Java code of Uyuni / SUSE Manager we need to provide an Ivy plugin that gets the jars directly from OBS.

Updated over 4 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

HelenOS of the <future>

an invention by jjindrak

I have previously implemented a major portion of the C++ standard library for HelenOS [0][1][2] as part of my master thesis. In this project, I will be adding

Updated over 4 years ago. 7 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

libgphoto2 Wifi support for Lumix

an invention by msmeissn

I plan to work on libgphoto2 Lumix WiFi support. Status after Hackweek:

Updated over 4 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

SUSE incarnation of the Party Parrot

an invention by rsimai

The Parrot seems to have many fans meanwhile, in particular since we're running Rocket.chat at SUSE. Some may find these emoticons distracting, some find it just cool and I would certainly love to see something like the Partyparrot but as a "SUSE parrot", probably someone manages to make the SUSE Geeko move in a similar fashion, as party_geeko. Finally I'd love to see this uploaded to the cultofthepartyparrot.com under "Party Guests". Because clearly the Geeko insists! :-) Bonus: do the same with TUX for total ssǝuızɐɹɔ

Updated about 2 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Look at New Parallelisation Technologies

an invention by aschnell

The idea is to look at some technologies: - C++17 parallel execution

Updated almost 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

gnome shell extension to translate screen word online

an invention by xiaoguang_wang

Use mouse to select a word on the screen, popup a small icon, click icon, then show a window to display word online translation result.

Updated about 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

minimal openQA

an invention by okurz


Many people ask how to start with openQA, ask "can you run these two lines in bash in an openQA" test and some shun the effort to try out openQA because it is "too big".

Updated almost 3 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.

geekos going production

an invention by digitaltomm

We are running the geekos app at geekos.prv.suse.net since some time now in the SCC CaaSP cluster. The goal we have is to bring this to production in the CaaSP cluster maintained by the engineering infrastructure team.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love. 1 follower.

Get openSUSE Tumbleweed for s390x (IBM mainframe) on openqa.opensuse.org

an invention by SLindoMansilla


On aarch64, ppc64le and x86_64, there is a common os-autoinst backend called qemu, in which qemu is launched from an installed SLE.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Package LanguageTool for openSUSE

an invention by namtrac

LanguageTool is a style and grammar checker for 25+ languages https://languagetool.org Packaging it will require packaging the following maven packages and their dependencies:

Updated almost 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

otpclient v2.0

an invention by pstivanin

Given that free time is always a scarce resource, I'd like to use the hack week to work on v2.0 for OTPClient Github project: https://github.com/paolostivanin/OTPClient/projects/4

Updated almost 2 years ago. No love. 1 follower.

STEM Workshop in Montessori School: Robotics

an invention by ilausuch

During the previous Hackweek I did a workshop in a Montessori school. This time I would like the same but with focusing on Robotics. Who is this for?

Updated almost 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Convert a very cheap foam toy plane into a radio control plane

an invention by ilausuch

I would like to convert a very cheap foam toy plane into a radio control plane Materials

Updated almost 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Out-of-the-box SPD support

an invention by jdelvare

In order to see the SPD (detailed memory information) data, the user currently has to manually load the needed kernel driver. Which driver to load depends on the memory type. Depending on the driver user, the devices may even have to be instantiated manually and this is a non-trivial multi-step task. Plus you need to be root to do it. I would like to attempt to automatize all this at least in the most common and simple cases like Intel x86 desktop. The idea would be to figure out the memory type and the I2C address of the SPD EEPROMs based on DMI data. If the DMI data is of good quality then it should be possible to automatically figure out which driver to use and to instantiate the devices at boot time.

Updated about 3 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Demoscene with music

an invention by jlausuch

Produce a ~3 min demoscene using modern javascript libraries combining graphics with original music.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Investigate C-Sky architecture

an invention by a_faerber

The youngest architecture addition to the mainline Linux kernel was C-Sky (arch/csky/). I have a GX6605S board booting a downstream 4.9 kernel. It uses a proprietary GxLoader bootloader (similarities with U-Boot exist but no sources...) with uImage and gx6605s.dtb files in a FAT partition on USB stick.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

mailprocessing performance improvements

an invention by jgrassler

I maintain the mailprocessing utility, a Turing complete maildir and IMAP capable filter with rules written in Python, both upstream and in openSUSE. It is currently suffering from some performance problems I'll devote my Hackweek (or part of it) to improving. Most notably the following areas will need some attention: * Ability to deal with large inboxes. This one is already done and I have been using it myself for a while but not released, yet. If you urgently need it feel free to grab it from the master branch. I'll give it another once-over before release, but it should be fine.

Updated almost 5 years ago. No love. 1 follower.