
LoongArch is a new architecture from China which has its roots in the MIPS architecture. It has been created by Loongson and is already supported by Debian Ports, Gentoo and Loongnix.

Upstream support for LoongArch is already quite complete which includes LLVM, Rust, Golang, GRUB, QEMU, LibreOffice and many more. In Debian Ports, where the port is called "loong64", more than 95% of the whole Debian archive have been successfully built for LoongArch.

QEMU support is rather complete and stable such that packages can be built in emulated environments. Hardware can also be requested by Loongson on request for free. Access to real hardware is also provided through the GCC Compile Farm.


The initial goal should be to add LoongArch to OBS and build a minimal set of packages.




  • Thanks to Adrian Schröter and Rüdiger Oertl for the help with setting up the FTP space and OBS project
  • Thanks to Dirk Müller for the input on how to get started with a new port
  • Thanks to Richard Biener for quickly accepting my submit requests to add loongarch64 support to the toolchain

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Hack Week 24


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  • about 2 months ago: glaubitz originated this project.

  • Comments

    • michals
      about 1 month ago by michals | Reply

      FWIW debugedit (used in producing debuginfo packages) version 5.1 has loongarch support.

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