Proxy for Immicha project by tlebreux Description |
Re-use containerized proxy cache in Uyuni/SUSE Managera project by dvosburg DescriptionMany requested the ability to "preload" cache content for the Uyuni/SUMA proxy or retail branch server. This was not possible with a VM proxy - but what about a containerized one? Now that this is the direction and standard, it is worth testing this and then documenting a working procedure. |
distrobox-zellij-integrationa project by MSirringhaus DescriptionMake zellij aware of distroboxes. |
Symbol Relationsa project by hli Description |
Experiment with Confidential Containersa project by jfehlig Descriptionlibkrun-sev allows running confidential workloads in a lightweight VM within a container. I'd like to experiment with libkrun-sev, the oci2cw image tool, and attestation using reference-kbs. |