I am a beginner: I have read 1½ books on Haskell. I want to practice.

Haskell is a purely functional, lazily evaluated, strongly typed (with inference) language.

Project Euler is a set of problems combining mathematics and programming. Of the 500 problems published so far I have solved 25. For the easy problems, advanced math is easily avoided by using advanced CPUs; but (re)learning bits of math is fun too.

  • Solve some more problems
  • Write readable code
  • Follow a style guide
  • Document the libraries (with Haddock)
  • Have tests to catch bugs in refactoring. Try:
    • Doctest
    • HUnit
    • HSpec
    • QuickCheck (which was the tipping point for me to seriously try Haskell)
  • Benchmark
  • Profile
  • Package (with Cabal)

The result will be a public Git repository with code and a diary to summarize things learned.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

haskell euler learn language

This project is part of:

Hack Week 12


  • almost 6 years ago: osukup liked this project.
  • almost 9 years ago: psimons liked this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: aschnell liked this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: mvidner started this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: mvidner added keyword "haskell" to this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: mvidner added keyword "euler" to this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: mvidner added keyword "learn" to this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: mvidner added keyword "language" to this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: mvidner originated this project.

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    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/devel:languages:haskell/
    • https://github.com/opensuse-haskell/configuration/
    • #discuss-haskell
    • https://www.twitch.tv/peti343