Project Description

This project is planned as a collection of random changes to the documentation files in order to rid them of cluttered in the content, outdated comments, inconsistent style (minor issues), unused parameters, duplications, etc.

Due to their nature, these issues do not represent the problem for the documentation in terms of the content itself or the building process, and are a natural outcome of the fast-growing body of content. Therefore, occasional deep clean-up is both desired and needed.

These changes are mostly related to the quality and style of the raw files.

The ones that are a good-first-issue listed at the top and are marked with (*).

If you want to contribute, please keep in mind to:

  • create an issue in github to indicate what you want to work on, to avoid duplication of work
  • make all changes in small increments
  • group the changes by the type of change (don't mix the changes that are different in nature)
  • PRs affecting too many different changes or more than one book will be rejected

Goal for this Hackweek

  • regular deep clean-up
  • create an opportunity to contribute to the Uyuni documentation

Issues to work on

1(*) External list

  • create a list of all external links in the documenattion
  • check if they are up-to-date
  • define who creates a request for the external link change

2(*) Architecture parameters

  • check if all architecture parameters are used; remove unused ones
  • check for the duplicates

3(*) Existing snippets

  • review all snippets
  • are they all used?
  • if the snippetis used only once - decide if we should keep the snippet in that case, or move it as the direct content to the relevant file
  • tidy up the snippet if possible (remove comments, check line spacing)

4(*) Quick Start Guide - create as a snippet?

  • revisit the option of having a snippet that is overarching all books (currently not possible)
  • if possible, see if Quick Start Guide and Install Guide instructions can be chunked up and relevant pages created from the sequences of shared snippets
  • if not possible, look into the lowest possible maintenance process of these files (their content overlaps significantly)

5(*) Titles capitalizations

  • Only first letter needs to be capitalized (master branch only for now)
  • Check: Chapters, paragraphs, procedures
  • Work in this order: first fix all page titles and navigation - book by book, then move to chapters, paragraphs and procedures (file by file)

6(*) Comments

  • check ALL comments, book by book. Most relevant: Client Config Guide, Install and Upgrade Guide, Admin Guide. Use blame command to see when they were added. (If older than 2 years, they are likely candidate to be removed completely.)
  • check all FIXME comments. Fix them, or delete them.
  • check all comments with the authors' initials: LB, KE, JC, OM

7 Documentation analysis:

  • images and tables - create a list, check if they are actually necessary, or they need updating, check for the duplicates, can we come up with the Best Practice?
  • mark which images are version dependent (thus having priority for updating), and which are more generic

8 - To be added...

Looking for hackers with the skills:

uyuni documentation asciidoc github

This project is part of:

Hack Week 23


  • over 1 year ago: ygutierrez liked this project.
  • over 1 year ago: omaric added keyword "uyuni" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: omaric added keyword "documentation" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: omaric added keyword "asciidoc" to this project.
  • over 1 year ago: omaric originated this project.

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    The number of functionalities and side tools we have in Uyuni can be overwhelming. It would be nice to have a centralized place with descriptive list of main/core functionalities.


    Create, aggregate and review on the Uyuni wiki a set of resources, focused on developers, that include also some known common problems/troubleshooting.

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    Testing and adding GNU/Linux distributions on Uyuni by juliogonzalezgil

    Join the Gitter channel!

    Uyuni is a configuration and infrastructure management tool that saves you time and headaches when you have to manage and update tens, hundreds or even thousands of machines. It also manages configuration, can run audits, build image containers, monitor and much more!

    Currently there are a few distributions that are completely untested on Uyuni or SUSE Manager (AFAIK) or just not tested since a long time, and could be interesting knowing how hard would be working with them and, if possible, fix whatever is broken.

    For newcomers, the easiest distributions are those based on DEB or RPM packages. Distributions with other package formats are doable, but will require adapting the Python and Java code to be able to sync and analyze such packages (and if salt does not support those packages, it will need changes as well). So if you want a distribution with other packages, make sure you are comfortable handling such changes.

    No developer experience? No worries! We had non-developers contributors in the past, and we are ready to help as long as you are willing to learn. If you don't want to code at all, you can also help us preparing the documentation after someone else has the initial code ready, or you could also help with testing :-)

    The idea is testing Salt and Salt-ssh clients, but NOT traditional clients, which are deprecated.

    To consider that a distribution has basic support, we should cover at least (points 3-6 are to be tested for both salt minions and salt ssh minions):

    1. Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    2. Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap scritp, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator)
    3. Package management (install, remove, update...)
    4. Patching
    5. Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    6. Salt remote commands
    7. Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement
    8. Bonus point: sumaform enablement (
    9. Bonus point: Documentation (
    10. Bonus point: testsuite enablement (

    If something is breaking: we can try to fix it, but the main idea is research how supported it is right now. Beyond that it's up to each project member how much to hack :-)

    • If you don't have knowledge about some of the steps: ask the team
    • If you still don't know what to do: switch to another distribution and keep testing.

    This card is for EVERYONE, not just developers. Seriously! We had people from other teams helping that were not developers, and added support for Debian and new SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE Leap versions :-)



    FUSS is a complete GNU/Linux solution (server, client and desktop/standalone) based on Debian for managing an educational network.

    Seems to be a Debian 12 derivative, so adding it could be quite easy.

    • [W] Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    • [W] Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap script, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator) --> Working for all 3 options (salt minion UI, salt minion bootstrap script and salt-ssh minion from the UI).
    • [W] Package management (install, remove, update...) --> Installing a new package works, needs to test the rest.
    • [I] Patching (if patch information is available, could require writing some code to parse it, but IIRC we have support for Ubuntu already). No patches detected. Do we support patches for Debian at all?
    • [W] Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    • [W] Salt remote commands
    • [ ] Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement

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    • Cent OS 7
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    Testing and adding GNU/Linux distributions on Uyuni by juliogonzalezgil

    Join the Gitter channel!

    Uyuni is a configuration and infrastructure management tool that saves you time and headaches when you have to manage and update tens, hundreds or even thousands of machines. It also manages configuration, can run audits, build image containers, monitor and much more!

    Currently there are a few distributions that are completely untested on Uyuni or SUSE Manager (AFAIK) or just not tested since a long time, and could be interesting knowing how hard would be working with them and, if possible, fix whatever is broken.

    For newcomers, the easiest distributions are those based on DEB or RPM packages. Distributions with other package formats are doable, but will require adapting the Python and Java code to be able to sync and analyze such packages (and if salt does not support those packages, it will need changes as well). So if you want a distribution with other packages, make sure you are comfortable handling such changes.

    No developer experience? No worries! We had non-developers contributors in the past, and we are ready to help as long as you are willing to learn. If you don't want to code at all, you can also help us preparing the documentation after someone else has the initial code ready, or you could also help with testing :-)

    The idea is testing Salt and Salt-ssh clients, but NOT traditional clients, which are deprecated.

    To consider that a distribution has basic support, we should cover at least (points 3-6 are to be tested for both salt minions and salt ssh minions):

    1. Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    2. Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap scritp, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator)
    3. Package management (install, remove, update...)
    4. Patching
    5. Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    6. Salt remote commands
    7. Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement
    8. Bonus point: sumaform enablement (
    9. Bonus point: Documentation (
    10. Bonus point: testsuite enablement (

    If something is breaking: we can try to fix it, but the main idea is research how supported it is right now. Beyond that it's up to each project member how much to hack :-)

    • If you don't have knowledge about some of the steps: ask the team
    • If you still don't know what to do: switch to another distribution and keep testing.

    This card is for EVERYONE, not just developers. Seriously! We had people from other teams helping that were not developers, and added support for Debian and new SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE Leap versions :-)



    FUSS is a complete GNU/Linux solution (server, client and desktop/standalone) based on Debian for managing an educational network.

    Seems to be a Debian 12 derivative, so adding it could be quite easy.

    • [W] Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    • [W] Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap script, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator) --> Working for all 3 options (salt minion UI, salt minion bootstrap script and salt-ssh minion from the UI).
    • [W] Package management (install, remove, update...) --> Installing a new package works, needs to test the rest.
    • [I] Patching (if patch information is available, could require writing some code to parse it, but IIRC we have support for Ubuntu already). No patches detected. Do we support patches for Debian at all?
    • [W] Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    • [W] Salt remote commands
    • [ ] Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement

    Uyuni developer-centric documentation by deneb_alpha


    While we currently have extensive documentation on user-oriented tasks such as adding minions, patching, fine-tuning, etc, there is a notable gap when it comes to centralizing and documenting core functionalities for developers.

    The number of functionalities and side tools we have in Uyuni can be overwhelming. It would be nice to have a centralized place with descriptive list of main/core functionalities.


    Create, aggregate and review on the Uyuni wiki a set of resources, focused on developers, that include also some known common problems/troubleshooting.

    The documentation will be helpful not only for everyone who is trying to learn the functionalities with all their inner processes like newcomer developers or community enthusiasts, but also for anyone who need a refresh.


    The resources are currently aggregated here: