Projects in the topic rancher
From datacenter to cloud to edge, Rancher lets you deliver Kubernetes-as-a-Service.

A CLI for Harvester

a project by mohamed.belgaied

Project Description

Harvester CLI is a command line interface tool written in Go, designed to simplify interfacing with a Harvester cluster as a user. It is especially useful for testing purposes as you can easily and rapidly create VMs in Harvester by providing a simple command such as:

Updated over 1 year ago. 8 hacker ♥️. 6 followers.

Rancher QA Blog Space

a project by jamcghee

Project Description

The intent of this Project is to create a website to allow the creation, posting, and sharing of Blog posts created by the Rancher QA Team. These posts will cover a broad level of subjects surrounding the Rancher space, and can be very high level walk throughs, very technical discussions, etc. This website is intended to be publicly available for viewing, and blogs will be targeted toward helping users, but contributors will only be internal.

Updated over 1 year ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Humidity sensors with dashboard

a project by joachimwerner

Build a network of ("edge") humidity sensors using Raspberry Pis with SenseHats and additional cheaper sensors

For our house, I want to make sure I can track the effectiveness of regularly ventilating the rooms by adding humidity sensors and tracking the measurements over time.

Updated over 1 year ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

Rancher Token Revoker

an invention by mbolot

Project Description

The token revoker aims to scan git repos for exposed rancher tokens. Once a token has been identified, the revoker can (based on configuration) warn/disable/delete the exposed token automatically.

Updated over 1 year ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.

Rancher Manager of Managers with KCP

a project by rcase

Project Description

With the desire for Rancher Manager to scale to managing 1000s of clusters (10,000 i hear you say) we could try and have 1 instance of Rancher Manager doing it all. But could we have a Manager of Managers? How could we support multi-tenancy where each Rancher Manager has different versions etc?

Updated over 1 year ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

image-tools: simple tool for mirror/save/load container images & KDM and chart image list generator.

an invention by StarryWang

Project Description

Currently, the way to install Rancher in Air-Gap mode (with personal registry server) is using the rancher-save/ script to save container images required by Rancher into tar.gz tarball and load it into the personal registry. These scripts work fine when saving and loading single-arch images.

Updated over 1 year ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

K3S Control Planes as a service

a project by ademicev0

Project Description

We know that Kubernetes clusters need control planes but running them in dedicated VMs might not be always efficient, instead, we can run them as pods within the management cluster.

Updated over 1 year ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Deploy Uyuni proxy using Elemental and Fleet

an invention by cbosdonnat

Project Description

Now that Uyuni proxy can be run as containers this project is about deploying it using Elemental and Fleet.

Updated over 1 year ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Generic Wrangler Controllers

an invention by kjoiner

Project Description

The rancher/rancher project uses generated wrangler controllers to manage Kubernetes objects.

Updated over 1 year ago. No love. 1 follower.