Add support for VisionFive2 board in Elemental toolkita project by ldevulder Description |
Rust lexer for Elixir's Makeup syntax highlighteran idea by alessio.biancalana Project Description |
cgar - sar for cgroupsan idea by s_schmidt In regards to troubleshoot a misbehaving systems |
watchtower - tool to collect, transform and export security metricsa project by pgomes Project Description |
Hack Week 22 - Dice Physics Simulator on Unityan idea by elariekerboull |
Full Disk Encryption with yubikeya project by okir |
Replace Star Adventurer controller with ESP32a project by nadvornik |
Learn some small and interest DL projectan idea by jerrytang |
Watch a session of "essence of linear algebra" and read some book about algorithma project by yosun Project Description |
Improve debugging of kernel workquesa project by pmladek Project Description |