grogan invention by gbaccini |
Discover X11 or Wayland displays with Akria project by atgracey |
Add Graphics Mode to WozManiaan invention by e_bischoff Project description |
Open-source software for controlling Genesis Thor keyboardan invention by jbaier_cz Motivation |
Moderated Meetings for opensuse Jitsia project by LSchroeder |
Learning podman with selinux enableda project by gosipyan Project DescriptionPodman is an open-source, Linux-based tool that builds Docker-compatible container images |
reflinkable rpmsa project by lnussel Project Description |
Saline: Salt state appliement monitoringa project by vzhestkov Project Description |
Give back to Wezterman invention by mpagot |
Extended Catalog of SUSE Slideware Templatesa project by dominic_vieira Project DescriptionThere are lots of interesting presentations happening all throughout SUSE on all manner of subjects. Presenters have found all kinds of creative ways to showcase their content using different shapes, templates, and other tools to convey important information. If you're looking to start a new presentation, the current slide templates are great to get started with but often time presenters have to look elsewhere for design inspiration. The goal of this project is to create a centralized "extended catalog" of Powerpoint and Impress templates, as a compliment to the existing templates, and make them available to SUSE employees through ImageRelay, that can serve as inspiration and templates for those looking to create rich and complex presentations based on examples built by fellow SUSE employees. |