
There is a (Windows-only) software for controlling / setting the color modes on the Genesis Thor 300 RGB keyboard. I believe the communication protocol can be reverse engineered and an open-source variant for the accompanied software can be created and full potential of the keyboard unlocked.

Goals for this Hackweek

  • understand the protocol
  • learn about USB HID
  • use above to create a software which will allow to switch color profiles and to set custom colors to custom keys (like in the Windows counterpart)
  • optional: include macro creation / key remapping
  • publish the code on GitHub, create a package in OBS
  • optional: integrate support for this keyboard into OpenRGB



Looking for hackers with the skills:

Nothing? Add some keywords!

This project is part of:

Hack Week 21


  • almost 3 years ago: jbaier_cz started this project.
  • almost 3 years ago: jbaier_cz originated this project.

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