On-demand notification using spacewalk (SUMA) APIa project by atighineanu |
Bridle - Terraform remote backend in Kubernetesa project by nroberts Project DescriptionTerraform's remote backend requires a Terraform Cloud account and has an initial limited offering. While the initial offering is suitable for small resource management and teams this quickly becomes an issue as usage demands increase. In addition Terraform's remote operations (plan,apply, etc) are executed on HashiCorp's cloud resources which present issues for sensitive data such as passwords and access keys. Users are also constrained to as what tooling is available on the remote execution environment for example having |
Build Microservice Architecture with Kubernetesan invention by aqsa_malik Project DescriptionThe aim of the project is to run a sample microservice app in Kubernetes. A simple app will be written in Python and work as an online store comprising of frontend, orders, and products services. (could be more!!) |
Use and learn Harvestera project by ganghe |
Get familiar with k3sa project by riafarov |
Workadventu.re at SUSEa project by jevrard For events like engineering summit or hackweeks, it would be nice to have a SUSE instance of workadventu.re, and have our own maps, wired with (open)SUSE's jitsi! |
k8s-rook-clienta project by haass |
Rancher and cf-on-k8san idea by mgrifalconi Project DescriptionCloud Foundry For Kubernetes (cf-for-k8s) blends the popular CF developer API with Kubernetes, Istio, and other open source technologies. The project aims to improve developer productivity for organizations using Kubernetes. cf-for-k8s can be installed atop any conformant environment in minutes. |
Test drive some Kubernetes network pluginsan idea by doreilly |
WASM Serverlessa project by davidko Project Description |