Sentiment analyzera project by aburlakov Project Description |
TIU - Transactional Image Updatea project by kukuk Project Description |
expect-like feature for Screen or Tmuxa project by jbohac Project Description |
Write an open source driver for the DeckLink Mini Recorder 4Ka project by patrikjakobsson |
Test mainline kernel on an older Qualcomm SOC (msm89xx), explore current Qualcomm mainlining kernel effortan invention by pvorel Project Description |
ECL monochrome monitor signal to HDMI with a FPGA (ULX3S)a project by tsbogend Some of my old workstations (Sun3, Apollo DN3x00/4x00) use ECL signals for their monochrome monitor. Since these monitors are already dead or dying I was looking for a conversion to something more modern. As I couldn't find anything I found the ULX3S boards, which already have everything for driving a HDMI monitor. So goal of this project is to use the FPGA board for converting the video signal. |
Hack current YES Certification SCK with containers and/or public cloud, seperately SLE Microa project by Jackman1 Project DescriptionUsing beta SCK 8.6, attempt to look at hacking options with containers and/or public cloud using Azure or AWS. Do the same thing, completely separate, but using SLE Micro. Probably be a hodgepodge during hack week; but I'll have to get some work done during the it will be perfect for me. |
osc Porcelain inside Emacsa project by agraul Project Description |
Performance profile and possibly improve Jitsi web clientan invention by mkoutny Project Description |
Upgrade OBS crash to current upstream latest releasea project by dmair Upgrade OBS crash to current upstream latest release |