Ant Ivy OBS resolveran invention by cbosdonnat SUSE Manager uses an ivy repository on the R&D network to get the packaged jar to build against. To remove the manual maintenance of that repository and allow external contributors to hack the Java code of Uyuni / SUSE Manager we need to provide an Ivy plugin that gets the jars directly from OBS. |
terracumber: python replacement for sumaform-test-runneran invention by juliogonzalezgil At SUSE Manager and Uyuni we use right now a set of bash scripts called sumaform-test-runner to run terraform and cucumber, send notifications and store cucumber results. |
Uyuni (property based testing (with (lisp) ))an idea by dmaiocchi I will not have the time for bootstrapping this project but I think given the JVM platform of Uyuni, |