Improve git workflow for qemu packagingan idea by bfrogers For some time I've wanted to improve our git based patch workflow for qemu to be more friendly toward "generic joe" contributing fixes, and for handling patching the code in git submodules just as easily as we handle patching for the main qemu code. Once again, I'll try to make some progress here. This time, hopefully it will stick. |
vscode: allow it to take advantage of podman systemd containers for execution and debuggingan idea by rtorrero This project aims to be able to compile & execute wicked from vscode by generating the RPM files and installing them onto a dynamically created container with systemd support, ultimately allowing to debug from the editor in a matter of seconds. |
Learn about PAM internalsan idea by scabrero In my daily life I work with software that ship PAM modules (samba, sssd) but I haven't looked at PAM internals yet. The goal of this project is to improve knowledge about PAM internals. |
Meta-automation on Powermac© G5an idea by JRivrain Automation is great, but meta-automation is the way to go further, with POWER. |
evaluate usage of beast as a http client for radosgwan idea by abhishekl Since RGW already supports beast as the default frontend from nautilus onwards, evaluate the usage of beast as a http client as well. Main implementation would be the need for connection pooling and a higher level http api |
Learn Go languagea project by mlin7442 Learn Go language by through The Go Programming Language book. |
[Windows Subsystem for Linux] Build newest WSL-DistroLauncher in OBSa project by lkocman This is a task to update current WSL-Launcher (which can be already buildt in OBS) with latest-greatest upstream code |
Testing mtui using "Rapid software testing" methodologyan idea by ONalmpantis I will be testing the software we use in QAM called mtui, using the rapid software testing methodology. |
Learn Vim scriptingan idea by npower I use vim (yes one of those people) but I am a real non power user, I'd like something like Aurelien's smbmode for Emacs to be available when I open samba log files in vim. I have no idea how possible or not this is. I came across this tutorial/book some time ago but didn't find the time to look at it. I'd like to go through the book and hopefully have a crack at starting a samba log reader plugin for vim (duplicating the features from smbmode) |
Phylogen: an iterative approach to evolutionary tree analysisa project by dmulder |