Projects in the topic yast
YaST is a Linux operating system setup and configuration tool.

Controlling and Testing the YaST UI Remotely (for Integration Tests, openQA)

a project by lslezak

Hackweek 18 Update

Updated almost 3 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Better support for Chromebooks

an idea by suntorytimed

Better support for Chromebooks

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 1 follower. Has no hacker: grab it!

Make Yast CA Mgm-Ng out of Yast RMT module

an idea by ikapelyukhin

add-emoji Bold and crazy ideas down below, read only if you dare add-emoji

Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Graphical view of the changes to be made to disks during installation

a project by ancorgs

Right now, during the (open)SUSE installation process, the changes to be performed on the storage devices are presented as a list of actions such as:

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

openSUSE on ZoL from OpenZFS project

a project by jkohoutek

Idea is to have SUSE system with OpenZFS as root FS.

Updated over 2 years ago. 10 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.