Bring /media directory backa project by sbrabec /media was a very comfortable thing standardized by FHS. After introduction of desktop based udisks mounts, the directory became empty. Paths like /run/media/me/directory or /run/user/1000/gvfs are used nowadays. When used from a terminal, it is very uncomfortable. |
Getting started with machine learninga project by krauselukas My first hands-on machine learning using scikit-learn and tensorflow. If there is time in the end i would like to implement it into one of my existing projects by maybe processing some sensor data. |
restic and kubernetesa project by darix learn both and be awesome |
Travis CI build monitor for iOSan idea by nwmac Create an app for iOS that shows Travis CI build status for my repos and uses push notifications to notify me when a build fails. |
Run daps on Ubuntuan idea by ta-ro Install and test the documentation environment daps on Ubuntu. |
The Chameleon Harmonistsa project by rmax Join us in singing a capella — barbershop-style and others. Find us on RocketChat: #chameleon-harmonists |
OpenShift Origin on Kubica project by RBrownSUSE The incredible Neal Gompa has packaged Open Shift Origin (RH's core Docker + Kubernetes stack) for openSUSE |
Trying to finish WSL images for Leap 15 and SLES 15a project by sschricker As title says, I want to finish the Windows Subsystem for Linux images of SLES and Leap 15, which Fabian Vogt provided, so they can be shipped to the Windows Store. |
Dependency "closure" based on libzypp and repository metadata - zypp-closurea project by xgonzo zypp-closure is a small helper tool making use of libzypp and the metadata of product repositories. |
Telegram to RSS/Atom gatean idea by bbobrov Telegram is a proprietary messenger that gained some popularity recently. It has FOSS client, API and binding for the API. It has private chats, group chats and "channels". Channels are content feeds. |