Create working AppArmor profile for Chromium on openSUSE 13.2a project by thardeck I think AppArmor is a great tool to add an additional layer of security without much effort. While it is normally easy to create a profile for a simple server program it is much more complex in case of desktop applications. |
Package tools for RC modela project by adrianSuSE Package open source tools used for radio controled models. Some of them needs patching, since they rely on pre-build binary blobs of open source tools. Also many of them bring the same libraries again. |
Enlightenment Live CDa project by simotek Create a openSUSE 13.2 Live CD. |
Tell me a story!a project by rsblendido Write an Android app for children between 5 and 7 years. The app contains a story that the child can read and interact with. |
Hack Week 12 Lightning Talksa project by cschum We will have a series of short lightning talks to present what we have accomplished at Hack Week 12. In Nürnberg this will happen on Friday 17th Apr at 12:30 as part of the lunch session in the all-hands area. Lunch is served at 12:00, so you have a bit of time to settle in and satisfy your immediate needs before we go into presentation mode. |
The future of systems managementa project by j_renner A new web UI for saltstack, possibly the future of systems management. |
Build Time Source Service supporta project by adrianSuSE OBS source services can currenlty run on the developer workstation and some of them also on the OBS server side. |
LogMeInan idea by cgrobertson A browser extension/plugin that will use saved credentials from a local keyring (or a password safe program) to automatically log in the user to various online accounts. |
Continue continuous integration improvements in virtualizationa project by mlatimer In previous Hackweeks, we've gone to warp speed in our virtualization CI testing through: |