Rewrite orchestration layer of Crowbaran idea by vuntz The current orchestration layer of Crowbar is unfortunately way too simple and needs some serious rework if we want to take Crowbar to the next step. |
openSUSE support for Crowbaran idea by vuntz Make openSUSE a first-class citizen in Crowbar, so that we can finally provide an image that can be used to deploy OpenStack on openSUSE with Crowbar. |
Provision SLE12 Power compute host with crowbar.a project by k0da In order to have complete cloud experience on Power platform it needs some missing pieces to be available: * SLEShammer image (SLE11-> SLE12) |
Add OpenSUSE/SLES support for osbash/stacktrainan idea by psalunke Add opensuse/sles support for osbash tool which is the tool used by training guides for creating and deploying an openstack based multinode cluster. |
Learn Pythona project by djz88 Python is well known all over the world and has wide range of usage. Lets dive into to a bit. |
Restructure KIWI ext? file system image builda project by rjschwei Implement file system image build using the Builder infrastructure. The project will create additional builders for the ext filesystems laying the ground work for restructuring other filesystem builders. |
KVM for Nvidia Jetson TK1a project by a_faerber The Nvidia Jetson TK1 is an SBC with Nvidia Tegra K1 SoC (quad-core Cortex-A15, 32-bit ARMv7). |