We have some internal systems for videoconferencing like Big Blue Button or OpenMeetings. But in my experience none of them can compare to Google Hangouts, which is still the best free (as in free beer) alternative for videoconferencing with integrated screen sharing.

While implementing an alternative to Sqwiggle on previous hackweek, I discovered Janus, a lightweight WebRTC gateway that proved to be a quite capable tool to implement video applications.

The plan is to use Janus and Javascript (AngularJS) to implement an browser-based alternative to Google Hangout with the ability to have several rooms with a flexible number of participants (only limited by the server's bandwith), an integrated chat, screen sharing capabilities and any other feature that can be useful for our meetings (like, for example, a visual timer for time-boxing).

Since it will be an almost completely client side application, it will be a great opportunity to learn AngularJS, structuring a whole application starting from scratch.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

javascript video web

This project is part of:

Hack Week 12


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  • almost 10 years ago: IGonzalezSosa joined this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs added keyword "javascript" to this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs added keyword "video" to this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs added keyword "web" to this project.
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  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs liked this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs started this project.
  • almost 10 years ago: ancorgs originated this project.

  • Comments

    • tampakrap
      almost 10 years ago by tampakrap | Reply


    • bear454
      almost 10 years ago by bear454 | Reply

      Check out http://appear.in as a nice model of how WebRTC videoconferencing can be nice to use. :-)

      I'd suggest, as a minor scope change, going with Polymer, or raw web components, over Angular at this time.

    • IGonzalezSosa
      almost 10 years ago by IGonzalezSosa | Reply

      I don't have strong feelings about AngularJS anyway, but I have some experience with it. Polymer sounds good (also I'd like to give React.js a chance). We'll see. Of course, you're invited to join the project ;-)

    • ancorgs
      almost 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      Finally we implemented a rather complete prototype using AngularJS, thanks to Imo's previous knowledge of the framework. We wouldn't have make it with a completely unknown framework/technology. Anyway the code is a mess and needs heavy refactoring (not to mention a README for github). https://github.com/ancorgs/hackweek12

    • ancorgs
      almost 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      The company has decided that the development of this project will not be stopped by the end of Hackweek 12. The only technical problem that is left to be resolved is a very high usage of CPU in the server in some situations. After a lot of testing in different scenarios, we think we found a way to always reproduce it. Let's see if it leads us to a fix.

    • ancorgs
      almost 10 years ago by ancorgs | Reply

      We have spent almost 4 extra days after hackweek and we already have most things working and initial documentation at https://github.com/ancorgs/jangouts.

      A SUSE-internal demo system can be found at http://d247.suse.de (just a workstation in NUE). We are working on installing another more stable instance in a virtual machine hosted in a proper servers room. We are currently facing some stability problems, being discussed with Janus developers.

      Next action item (beside the abovementioned): call for help from the UX team.

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