Finalize geozip gem
an idea by tboerger
I have started many months ago a project named geozip (https://github.com/tbpro/geozip) and i would like to finalize it. I want to parse openstreetmap files and generate polygon geo coordinates for zip codes. After processing it should be exported to multiple file formats to get them imported into databases for various projects.
Extend iso_code
an idea by tboerger
I would like to extend my existing gem isocode (https://github.com/tbpro/isocode). Currently it translates all available countries and languages into multiple languages. I plan to integrate more ISO specifications like scriptnames, subdevisions and currencies.
Packages for vagrant
an idea by tboerger
To really start with vagrant within the company and our company it would be awesome to create real SUSE packages for vagrant and some other cool and important plugins. It's not that easy like it sounds because vagrant runs within the upstream rpm in an embedded ruby container that needs to be fixed for our system packages.
Crowbar on openSUSE
a project by tboerger
In order to build a community around crowbar, our cloud installer, we need to get this running on openSUSE as well. So let's find some time to move the packaging of crowbar from the ibs to the obs!
Learning Go: Build an IRC bot
an idea by tboerger
In order to learn Go programming language I want to start to build an IRC bot with Go.
Golang: Hack on DroneCI
an idea by tboerger
I want to spend some time on hacking missing features of the awesome CI tool Drone. It's written in Golang and is built around docker.
Golang: Mediafile match and sort
an idea by tboerger
To get control over my media files like photos and videos back I want to build a tool in Gopang to match for duplicates and to sort the files in folder by creation date (reading exif informations). I want to use go to build it for Linux, Mac and Windows :).
Migrate drone plugins to new version
a project by tboerger
As I'm already a maintainer of the plugins for Drone CI and we are nearby of a new releases which totally changed the structure of the plugins I would like to start migrating the existing plugins to the new structure.
Docker registry UI in Go and ReactJS
a project by tboerger
I would like to continue to work on a web UI for the Docker registry. I know we already got Portus which is based on Ruby on Rails, but I would prefer a project based on Golang with a singlepage application for the frontend based on RactJS. So because of the singlepage application we are forced to write proper APIs that gets consumed by the javascript application, beside that I also want to add a CLI client for managing the system.
SLES/openSUSE integration for Clair
a project by tboerger
Clair is a static vulnerability analyzer for containers. Currently it supports containers based on Debian, Ubuntu and RedHat.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment