Cosmic HA for OpenStack
a project by mjura
Idea is to prepare some advanced template examples for Heat orchestration in OpenStack, which will show: - how HA for VM guests can be used
Upstream OpenStack Hacking
an invention by a_jaeger
Improve some OpenStack projects and contribute patches to them.
openSUSE 13.2 ARM hackathon
a project by algraf
openSUSE 13.2 is taking shape on ARM, but we need to make sure we smoothen its edges to make an actual release out of it. The goal of this project is to make sure all devices we should run on actually work and that the last few packages necessary for productive use of ARM devices work properly on 13.2.
Crowbar on openSUSE
a project by tboerger
In order to build a community around crowbar, our cloud installer, we need to get this running on openSUSE as well. So let's find some time to move the packaging of crowbar from the ibs to the obs!
Merge hermes into OBS API
a project by coolo
After https://hackweek.suse.com/projects/105 the next thing to merge is hermes.
Brand new UI for deploying OpenStack in Crowbar
an idea by vuntz
Right now, Crowbar exposes a barclamp UI for each OpenStack component. This is not really optimal, imho.
Rewrite orchestration layer of Crowbar
an idea by vuntz
The current orchestration layer of Crowbar is unfortunately way too simple and needs some serious rework if we want to take Crowbar to the next step.
openSUSE support for Crowbar
an idea by vuntz
Make openSUSE a first-class citizen in Crowbar, so that we can finally provide an image that can be used to deploy OpenStack on openSUSE with Crowbar.
write mkcloudcloud - a nested cloud setup software
a project by bmwiedemann
In https://github.com/SUSE-Cloud/automation/ we already have mkcloud, which can setup a whole SUSE Cloud on a single host for testing. However, it would be cool, if (instead of a single machine) we could use cloud.suse.de with its capability to add extra networks as requested.
Add github and/or gitlab support to Zuul
an idea by aspiers
UPDATE: it turns out that people upstream are already working on this, so the idea would be to join that work.
Prepare Crowbar for the future!
a project by vuntz
There are a lot of issues in Crowbar due to the legacy of poor internals. This is blocking things quite a bit when it comes to improving Crowbar for adding new features. Let's fix it!
A fresh look at Crowbar scope and UI
an invention by romanarcea
The project is about taking a fresh look at Crowbar UI for SOC provisioning. Main goal is to mock user workflows that would allow to scale Crowbar to support multiple datacenters, a more flexible way to add large number of nodes and manipulate services, as well as control and customize various types of hardware groups.
openQA Package Testing
a project by RBrownSUSE
openQA has a well earned reputation as a 'full system' testing tool, able to test a system end-to-end from the operating system to it's applications on a number of different platforms and architectures, including VM's & Bare Metal.
Take a look at Metal³ (Kubernetes Bare metal management)
a project by ykornilov
Metal³ is the idea to support a declarative bare metal cluster management for Kubernates by employing a simplified stand alone version of Ironic.
Small footprint SES cluster and testing
a project by davidbyte
Build and benchmark some smaller SES clusters (2 - 3 nodes) targetted at edge deployments. Evaluate the performance and configurations.
Ceph as a ephemeral storage for containers
a project by denisok
The idea here is to study and understand how ephemeral storage for containers works and investigate if local storage could be avoided at all and Ceph used instead. Could new storage driver be developed to support Ceph storage:
distributed build for Ceph in containers
a project by denisok
Investigate possibilities for the distributed builds for Ceph to speed up builds.
CSI Driver for Kubernetes
a project by chinyahuang
Since Kubernetes already has a clear path of "in-tree" volume plugin to CSI migration. I would like to understand the concept of CSI with writing a simple driver for Kubernetes.
Deploy a Ceph Cluster in AWS using sesdev
an idea by LenzGr
For testing and development purposes, the SUSE Enterprise Storage team has created a tool called sesdev
, that deploys a fully configured Ceph cluster on multiple VMs using Vagrant/libvirt.
Golan no vendor
a project by rjschwei
At present it is our practice to "vendor" all dependencies for a Golang package. This has the advantage that everything is in one nice package and self contained but it has the disadvantage that dependencies are hidden and therefore security issues may slip through the cracks.