Marktschorgast, Germany
QDirStat - Qt-based directory statistics: KDirStat without any KDE, now based on Qt 5
a project by shundhammer
This is about porting the old KDE 3 based KDirstat to the latest Qt 5. KDirStat didn't use that much KDE infrastructure to begin with, and KDE seems to be more and more a moving target.
Find a Developer Compatible GUI Mail Client
a project by shundhammer
Edit Widget Properties in YDialogSpy
a record by shundhammer
Docker for Beginners
a project by shundhammer
Using docker as a development platform for nontrivial development environments sounds interesting.
Make YaST Testing Independent of Keyboard Shortcuts
a project by shundhammer
Motivation / Problem
QDirStat: Show Unpackaged Files
a project by shundhammer
QDirStat in General
Finding Files that are Shadowed by a Mount
a project by shundhammer
This started as a sub-project of QDirStat, but it turned out that this may be useful in general, and it would be too dangerous and too error-prone to offer it directly in the QDirStat GUI. Things can easily go wrong, there may be many pathological situations, and many operations require root permissions; not anything a GUI program should rely upon.
QDirStat: Highlight Dominant Items in the Tree View
an invention by shundhammer
YQPkg - Bringing the Single Package Selection Back to Life
a project by shundhammer
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