yunity - make the world a better place!
a project by mcarlini
Did you know that more that 60% of the food we produce it's thrown away? Why create pollution? Why spend out time to create something that in the end get wasted?
crossword puzzle generator
a project by rsimai
Create a console application for a crossword puzzle generator that can be fed with a custom list of word+explanation pairs. It may be used by people to quickly familiarize with a specific topic (e.g. a knowledge area, new hires to the company ...) to at least understand the terminology and the abbreviations that are used. Or to just have some distraction and fun :-)
Artificial Intelligence playground for Data Scientist
an invention by afesta
Project here: https://confluence.suse.com/display/AAI/HackWeek19 Will keep working out of HackWeek as "best effort" personal project to make it evolve and keep learning.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment