A generic mechanism for analysing and manipulating diverse software configuration files
a project by guohouzuo
There are vastly different syntaxes being used by Linux softwares nowadays - Apache, Bind, NTP, Postfix, just to name a few. It is a very tedious task to implement comprehensive parser for every single configuration file, and even more difficult to produce configuration text (file content) from parsed syntax tree.
Get rust into Tumbleweed
a project by KGronlund
With rust 1.9 released, it should be possible to from now on bootstrap rustc from the previous version of rustc (so 1.10 can be built using 1.9 etc.). This means that it should now be possible to create a rustc package which no longer needs binary snapshots to build, meaning that we might even be able to submit rustc for inclusion in openSUSE Tumbleweed.
Improve packagers' life
a project by kstreitova
Every packager encounters boring manual tasks every once in a while and these tasks can most probably be automated to some extent. During Hackweek I aim to try and identify such cases in various packagers' workflow and consider creating a tool that would make these tasks easier. Also, I would like to find out whether there is a demand for such tool. In that case, this Hackweek project will turn into a long-term task I plan to keep working on.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment