

Get real with NFV on Suse OpenStack Cloud

a project by mmnelemane

The idea behind the project comes from recent work on integration of OpenDayLight with Suse OpenStack Cloud 6/7. The goal for this Hackweek project is to realize a demonstrable NFV use-case on Suse OpenStack Cloud with as much reduced manual orchestration as possible. The use-case to consider is to run a Service Function Chain(SFC) with basic Network functions like Firewall/QoS that run as services on JeOS Guests on SUSE OpenStack Cloud (SOC).

Updated almost 6 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Linux kernel networking: Improving qdisc hierarchies

a project by jkosina

    jikos:~ # tc qdisc show
Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

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