Obsolete Trello with Redmine
a project by jnweiger
Redmine.suse.de (as an inhouse tool) is very close to be a jump in replacement for Trello.com (the outhouse tool). Investigate into setting up a redmine-board so that it has exactly (and only) the features a Trello board has,
Crowbar on openSUSE
a project by tboerger
In order to build a community around crowbar, our cloud installer, we need to get this running on openSUSE as well. So let's find some time to move the packaging of crowbar from the ibs to the obs!
Management solution for openSUSE based on Salt-stack
an idea by dmacvicar
Saltstack is the only configuration management solution that does not look like a ball of hair.
pmpman -> why dont we automate the music on our phone / mp3 player?
a project by osynge
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training
an invention by dguitarbite
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training Labs
Experiment with uselessd as a systemd replacement on openSUSE 13.1
an invention by dsterba
The base version for uselessd is systemd-208, which is the version used in 13.1. Let's try if a direct substitution of the binaries works and watch out for the problems.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment