



Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked A command line image collector tool for my gallery website
  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked Assembly Diff Tool for kGraft
  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked terraform-provider-feilong
  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked Developer documentation of boot process (userspace)
  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked Support verification of digitally signed PDFs in Evince
  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked SMTGCC
  • 9 months ago: mfranc liked Waysettings
  • 9 months ago: mfranc started 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "x86" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "floating-point" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc removed keyword floatingpointarithmetic from 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "floatingpointarithmetic" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "assembly" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "valgrind" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "x86_64" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc added keyword "c" to 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind
  • 9 months ago: mfranc originated 80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrind