

Kentucky USA

Gary - Kubernetes rethought.

a project by mcounts

The goal of this project is two fold.

Updated about 3 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

help clojure upstream with clj-common with some PR and contributions

a project by dmaiocchi


Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.


a project by pgeorgiadis

alt text

Updated about 3 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

Kubernetes + ML

a project by mcounts

I tried to work blockchain into this, just so we could cover the trifecta of buzz words. Sadly I could not maintain saintly and do this.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 2 followers.

Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • about 5 years ago: mcounts liked Kubernetes + ML
  • about 5 years ago: mcounts started Kubernetes + ML
  • about 5 years ago: mcounts originated Kubernetes + ML
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts added keyword "kubernetes" to Gary - Kubernetes rethought.
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts added keyword "rust" to Gary - Kubernetes rethought.
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts liked Dudenetes
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts liked help clojure upstream with clj-common with some PR and contributions
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts liked Gary - Kubernetes rethought.
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts started Gary - Kubernetes rethought.
  • over 5 years ago: mcounts originated Gary - Kubernetes rethought.