Capture datacenter infrastructure information in a graph database
an invention by kwk
Orientdb is an open source graph/document database. It supports various language bindings
Nodejs automated packaging
an invention by kwk
Nodejs is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. It uses NPM as its packaging system.
Replace the SUSE Manager client stack with an existing configuration management software
a project by kwk
Bare metal testing in OpenQA
an invention by kwk
OpenQA uses the VNC protocol to interface with a test system. This limits test systems to be virtualized. Bare metal (physical) systems do not provide VNC out-of-the-box.
Analyze supportconfig data with ELK (elasticsearch, logstash, kibana)
a project by kwk
We all pant for customer data. Which hardware do customers run ? Which packages are installed ? Which services are running ? etc. pp.
zypper log analysis with the elastic stack
a project by kwk
Automate analysis of zypper logs using the elastic stack
Using AI/ML to colorize old (black & white) photos
an idea by kwk
Converting old black and white photos or movies transform such artefacts from the past to the present.
Learn about Fleet
an idea by kwk
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