switch to grub2 for powerpc
an invention by k0da
There is a grub2 available for powerpc for a while. Let's switch to it by default.
Persona openid for Build Service
a project by k0da
Build Service needs an openid.
HMC support to openstack
an invention by k0da
Currently compute supports only IVM managed pSeries machines. In that case machines are not managed for central place. There shouldn't be a big deal to implement HMC support as IVM commands are pretty much similar to HMC.
PowerPC appliances deploy tool
an idea by k0da
We need a tool similar to suseviclient for deploying powerpc appliances.
Docker for something else than x86
an idea by k0da
Docker is just a wrapper around lxc and containers are available on Z and P. It's time to enable docker on Power and System Z
Provision SLE12 Power compute host with crowbar.
a project by k0da
In order to have complete cloud experience on Power platform it needs some missing pieces to be available: * SLEShammer image (SLE11-> SLE12)
OBS notifications
an invention by k0da
Let third parties to get notifications about build failures without having maintainer rights
Factory dashboard
an invention by k0da
Fetch and display openQA status project group per project.
Implement external OBS api for better debugging
an invention by k0da
Hacking on OBS dashboard requires you to have a "real" data from staging projects. this is done by quering backend directly. So either you need to have a production db deployed or you have old broken data.
Package NVIDIA Cuda for Power
an invention by k0da
So far CUDA driver for Tesla card is only available as Ubuntu deb.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment