

exceptional: Wrappers for C++ Exceptions.

a project by jwilliamson

Sometimes, you want a flexible way to handle certain situations involving C++ exceptions, particularly those for which alternative actions are either easily encapsulated, do not substantially interrupt the program flow, or must cross a foreign-function interface or thread boundary. A useful idiom is to rewrite attempts to perform an action with such forms of exception handling as instead returning a monadic value, like with C++17's std::optional<>:

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

libpsoas: A C++ Ceph client library

a project by jwilliamson

libpsoas is a C++ library for writing Ceph clients. Some of its design goals include:

Updated about 4 years ago. No love.

Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • about 7 years ago: jwilliamson started libpsoas: A C++ Ceph client library
  • about 7 years ago: jwilliamson originated libpsoas: A C++ Ceph client library
  • about 7 years ago: jwilliamson started exceptional: Wrappers for C++ Exceptions.
  • about 7 years ago: jwilliamson originated exceptional: Wrappers for C++ Exceptions.