


Improve futex coverage in trinity

an invention by dbueso

Futexes are complex enough that make it a good candidate for applying fuzzy testing techniques to the various inputs and operations that can be performed. Instead of re-writing any testing infrastructure, make use of the trinity system call fuzzing tool. While trinity does apply fuzzing to futexes, it does so with very limited knowledge, using only generic callbacks to the different steps involved. As such the main goal is extending testing coverage and making it more ad-hoc.

Updated about 5 years ago. No love.

perf bench epoll

a project by dbueso

While there are plenty of benchmarks that compare different IO multiplexing techniques such as epoll vs poll/select, there's really nothing out there that particularly measures epoll system call latencies under different scenarios. Design and implement a series of performance benchmarks for this call under the 'perf bench' framework.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

perf-bench ipc

a project by dbueso

The state of the art of sysv/posix ipc benchmarking is a combination of ad-hoc programs scattered over the internet. While some mechanisms, such as sysv semaphores, have a lot of coverage, others really lack (message queues), and some are simply non-existent; albeit some of the legacy flavors we aren't too concerned with, other than them being functionally correct. Consolidate all this by taking the good benchmarks and implement new ones where needed, such as message queues, everything around the 'perf bench' framework. This will both improve the lives of us who hack on kenrel ipc as well as improve coverage overall. Eventually mmtests should be updated as well.

Updated about 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

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Nothing at the moment


  • about 5 years ago: dbueso liked Easy openSUSE Upgrade
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso started perf-bench ipc
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso added keyword "ipc" to perf-bench ipc
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso added keyword "linux" to perf-bench ipc
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso added keyword "kernel" to perf-bench ipc
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso removed keyword ipclinuxkernel from perf-bench ipc
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso added keyword "ipclinuxkernel" to perf-bench ipc
  • about 5 years ago: dbueso originated perf-bench ipc
  • over 6 years ago: dbueso started perf bench epoll
  • over 6 years ago: dbueso originated perf bench epoll
  • over 8 years ago: dbueso liked x86 instructions decoder
  • over 8 years ago: dbueso started Improve futex coverage in trinity
  • over 8 years ago: dbueso originated Improve futex coverage in trinity