face tracking
an idea by chuller
Step 1. Control Robotis servo from raspberry pi
Step 2. Setup OpenCV on for raspberry pi / camera
build osmocom packages and firmware and deploy on a mobile phone
an idea by chuller
- build osmocombb and osmocom-sdr packages for opensuse
- deploy osmocom-bb firmware to calypso phones (two phones available for flashing)
Telepresence bot
a project by chuller
Over lunch the machinery team was talking about telepresence and mobile solutions and I came up with the idea of abusing a cheap wifi controlled toy tank as base for such a project.
Biofeedback / Neuroscanner / Dreamanalyser
an idea by chuller
This project is based on some hack of a mind flex toy containing a so called "neurosky eeg" chip. Having a sensor connected to your skull this system can meassure several waves emitting from the brain, also called brainwaves. The Idea is to combine this system with some camera based monitoring system that will watch a test subject while sleeping and recording the corresponding brainwaves for later analysis of brainactivity and body movement.
Wireless mesh network
a project by chuller
Using an arduino nano, a rf23b ( wireless module (or anything like it) and a solar panel to build a mesh network node that can be used to quickly deploy wireless networks.
Simple user interface for head mounted displays
a project by chuller
Create a user interface useable with a see through head mounted display. The display was created from some Chinese video glasses and has a low resolution (320x240) which requires a optimized user interface that also is useful when using it hands free.
Print furniture of future office for agile planning
a project by chuller
EspoTek Labrador
an idea by chuller
Small Open Hardware Oscilloscope/Logic Analyzer/...
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment