An experimental tiny WM of Wayland
an idea by NalaGinrut
Wayland would replace X11 in the future (maybe soon?), we're researching/learning Wayland. And I planed to try a tiny Window Manager of Wayland for a practice. It's meaningful I think, since there's little independent WM for Wayland, except for Mutter which is a part of Gnome desktop environment.
Rebirth Guile-Lua
a project by NalaGinrut
GNU Guile-2.2 will be based on brand new backend, CPS(continuation passing style) as the most significant IR, and a RegisterVM. These are the prerequisite for the final AOT compiler.
Static analyzer of Lua language
a project by NalaGinrut
I'm trying to write a static analyzer for Lua programming language. And I've ready done some parts, say, lexer/parser/AST/types...etc.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment