A new feature for Gnome-Logs
a project by JonathanKang
Since I'm a maintainer of Gnome-Logs, I'd like to hack on Gnome-Logs. During the hack week I'll focus on the bug 753471 of Logs. Generally it's a new feature, allowing Logs to show logs entries dynamically(when new logs appended).
Time Lapse Videos for HackWeek 15
a project by JonathanKang
Record several time lapse video for this HackWeek.
Learn and use meson
a project by JonathanKang
meson[0], a replacement to autotools, is very popular nowadays. It's a lot faster than autotools as far as what I hear and see. Besides lots of GNOME projects has been ported to meson. As one of the maintainers of GNOME Logs[1], I need learn meson and try to port Logs to meson for faster building. *[0]
Write a Native GTK+ Weibo Application
a project by JonathanKang
Inspired by Corebird, I'd like to write a native GTK+ Weibo application for Linux, so that I can learn how to write a GTK+ application from scratch, and every Weibo users can benefit from it. I've started to code for a while at spare time. You can find the project here.
Implement GNOME Software's Distribution Upgrade in Leap(and possibly Tumbleweed)
a project by JonathanKang
GNOME Software supports distribution upgrade, that only requires a few clicks for upgrading your system. But it's not integrated into Leap. So this is that I plan to do this Hack Week.
Involved components
Add support for resolving package conflicts interactively in PackageKit
a project by JonathanKang
Project Description
This has been a missing feature in PackageKit. I'll try implementing this in PackageKit itself and its zypp backend.
Integrate devices to self-hosted Home Asisstant server
a project by JonathanKang
Project Description
I'll integrate my existing smart devices at home to Home Assistant server that I set up a while ago.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment