

Canary Islands, Spain

Write an url shortener in Rust (And learn in the way)

a project by szarate

So I have 469.icu :), it's currently doing nothing... (and for sale) but in the meantime, I'd like to write an url shortener from scratch and deploy it on my own server

Updated 3 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM system

an idea by firstyear

Kanidm is an IDM system written in Rust for modern systems authentication. The github repo has a detailed "getting started" on the readme.

Updated 6 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 3 followers. Has no hacker: grab it!

Implement a CLI tool for Trento - trentoctl

a project by nkopliku


Implement a trentoctl CLI for interacting with a trento installation

Updated 4 months ago. No love. 1 follower.

Agama installer on-line demo

a project by lslezak


Updated 3 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

SMB3 Server written entirely in Rust

a project by dmulder


Given the number of bugs frequently discovered in the Samba code caused by memory issues, it makes sense to re-write the smbd service purely in Rust code. Meanwhile, it would be wise to abandon backwards compatibility here with insecure protocol versions, and simply implement the SMB3 spec.

Updated 3 months ago. No love. 1 follower.

Better diff'ing experience

an idea by MSirringhaus


For diff-ing directories, I usually like to use meld, but it struggles a lot with large trees.

Updated 3 months ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower. Has no hacker: grab it!

Looking for projects around:



  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa started Relm4-based user interface for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "d-bus" to Relm4-based user interface for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "rust" to Relm4-based user interface for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "gtk4" to Relm4-based user interface for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa originated Relm4-based user interface for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa started Port Agama's manager to Rust
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa originated Port Agama's manager to Rust
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa originated Create a website for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa started TUI interface for Agama
  • over 1 year ago: IGonzalezSosa liked TUI interface for Agama
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "javascript" to Add xterm.js to D-Installer web interface
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "reactjs" to Add xterm.js to D-Installer web interface
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "d-installer" to Add xterm.js to D-Installer web interface
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "web" to Add xterm.js to D-Installer web interface
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa originated Add xterm.js to D-Installer web interface
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa started Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "rust" to Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "cli" to Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "learning" to Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa added keyword "d-installer" to Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
  • about 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa originated Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
  • over 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa joined Finish the Jangouts rewrite on React/Redux
  • over 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa liked Implement search in zellij
  • over 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa liked Finish the Jangouts rewrite on React/Redux
  • over 2 years ago: IGonzalezSosa started Adopt Typescript in D-Installer
  • All Activity