yast2-storage-ng is a reimplementation of the YaST storage module (yast2-storage) based on the also reimplemented library for storage manager (libstorage-ng).

This module contains essentially three parts:

  • Expert Partitioner: A working but very limited prototype capable of actions such as creating partitions and filesystems.

  • Storage Proposal: Based on the existing storage setup of a system proposes a storage layout for a new installation.

  • Miscellaneous: Code for the YaST installation workflow and support functions for other YaST modules.

The idea of this project is to improve some aspects of the storage proposal part. I am a new guy at the YaST team and as I have been learning the code, we realized that certain improvements can be done to enhance its quality and understanding. Specifically, we think that several classes could have a better distribution of their responsibilities. This is a good opportunity for both, to improve the current code and to get a better knowledge of it.

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  • about 8 years ago: locilka liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: ancorgs joined this project.
  • about 8 years ago: joseivanlopez started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: joseivanlopez originated this project.

  • Comments

    • joseivanlopez
      about 8 years ago by joseivanlopez | Reply

      Main work is done. You can see here a description of implemented improvements.

      Pending tasks: with new introduced classes, PlannedVolumeList can be meaningless, so it should be removed at all and, of course, the current code that uses it should be fixed. Also, the doc of all modified methods has to be updated.

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