One of the significant advantages of Wayland is about security, to isolate input/output of every single windows, encourage non-root user running the core process, as well as discouraging root user running any graphical applications. The project wants to have a close look at Wayland trying to address the questions:

  • how is wayland exactly integrated in current gnome stack of Tumbleweed/SLE (gnome-shell, mutter)
  • how does the Wayland and XWayland's security model differ from Xorg
  • what is preferred to do if we want to use root running graphical applications

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Hack Week 16


  • over 7 years ago: michals liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: zhangxiaofei liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: ta-ro liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: jiriwiesner liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: yfjiang originated this project.

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