6 months
1 hackers ♥️.
Project Description
Due to lack of good and simple TUI applications for calendars, there's a need to create one.
And since SUSE uses google calendar, it's useful to have a gcal integration.
The application should prefer simplicity over having too may features.
The target is to be close to mutt email client in it's simplicity.
This is also an opportunity to learn more Rust.
Goal for this Hackweek
Goal is to create a mutt-like TUI app that has enough functionality so it can be used instead of Thunderbird, for example.
General goals:
- Display daily, weekly, and monthly calendar items
- Create new items
- Update existing items
- Delete existing items
- Move around the calendar with vim-like keybinds
- Optionally notify users before a meeting starts
- Basic customizable theme
Google integration goals:
- Fetch and display calendar items via CalDAV
- Update, remove, add entries via CalDAV
- Respond to meeting invites
Mutt email client: http://www.mutt.org/
Rust programming language: https://www.rust-lang.org/
Looking for hackers with the skills:
Nothing? Add some keywords!
This project is part of:
Hack Week 24
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