SUSE Manager/Spacewalk client debug/test shellan idea by dmacvicar When developing for SUSE Manager, it gets tiresome to setup clients in order to debug and test with clients. The idea is to create a nice shell (with history, command completion, colors) that allows to simulate being a client. |
Port Spacewalk to Salt-Stackan invention by dmacvicar Spacewalk has its custom client stack. Salt stack provides a big bunch of it, but it is a popular community project and add other features on top: |
Static download endpoint for SUSE Manageran invention by dmacvicar The download end-point of Spacewalk/SUSE Manager resolves the packages from channels dynamically with a database query. With the integration of Salt into SUSE Manager we have the chance to rethink this. |
Clean up the Uyuni frontend stacka project by j_renner Many of the Uyuni / SUSE Manager web UIs are still based on the no longer maintained Struts framework (version 1.2!) and implemented as JSP pages, while we added newer features based on the Spark framework and React. For me there is a vision of using only one technology stack (especially just one web framework, frontend framework and template engine) eventually, so it is about time to get rid of the old stack. While this is surely a huge effort, why not start with a new login page and then go from there rewriting other pages one by one? Things to look at in particular: |
Suse Manager - SPAa project by LuNeves The experience while navigating throughout the UI of Suse Manager it's not that nice. Whenever we navigate to a new page, the whole page gets refreshed and recreated, even when half of it didn't change a thing, for instance, the menu, topbar, and the notifications WebSocket connection, which in my opinion doesn't provide a smooth experience. This project has the goal to test out an automatic way to transform the Suse Manager UI into a Single Page Application. |
On-demand notification using spacewalk (SUMA) APIa project by atighineanu Project DescriptionMake possible to notify a SUMA:user about node draining and rebooting (using kured reboot sentinel). |