pimp interactive political landscape '(and practice d3js with html5 aka svg, javascript, css)an idea by froh For the Bavaria 2013 elections I had created an interactive political landscape visualizing the party stances according to the Wahl-O-Mat with d3.js. |
unlock html5 story teller options for openSUSE/SUSEan idea by froh html5 gives a new way of exchanging and expressing ideas and telling stories. |
Port the Spacewalk UI to modern web technologiesan invention by dmacvicar Spacewalk is an open source Linux systems management solution. It is the upstream community project from which SUSE Manager and the Red Hat Network Satellite product are derived. |
Climbing Ticklistan invention by j_renner Ticklist is a web application enabling users to record their ascents of climbing routes as well as to maintain their personal list of currently projected routes. My implementation went from working alpha back to pre-alpha status (~ basic things not working) while migrating parts of the codebase (knockout.js -> angular.js). The goal of this hackweek project was therefore to finish this migration and fix the basic features in order to make the app useful at least for personal usage. |
MirrorPinkya project by darix A web frontend for the mirrors in the mirrorbrain database to allow the mirror admins to manage their entries themself. |
studio-appliance-editora project by bear454 Build an open-source appliance editor for SUSE Studio that interacts only with the API, using modern JS web frameworks. |
Get the new SUSE Floor ready to use!a project by rsalevsky The new SUSE Floor is nearly done. The core functionality is already implemented and only some basic features are left. |
QA Dashboard - provide a easy overview of the quality status of a product in developmenta project by xgonzo QA uses a dashboard (SUSE internal: http://qa.suse.de/dashboard/ ) to provide an overview of various data to assess the quality of a product. |