AuthStralia — (almost) stateless authorization ecosystem for a web agean invention by kpimenov AngularJS, Websockets, REST APIs for mobile apps, one-time links for emails — what’s the topmost complexity all those things share in common? |
kubeojo: Health metrics for products and testsuitesa project by dmaiocchi Updated almost 3 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower. |
help clojure upstream with clj-common with some PR and contributionsa project by dmaiocchi Rationale: |
cosmic-rivera project by dmaiocchi Rationale: |
Uyuni (property based testing (with (lisp) ))an idea by dmaiocchi I will not have the time for bootstrapping this project but I think given the JVM platform of Uyuni, |
Uyuni: re-architecting code with Akkaa project by moio Simplify the codebase by using a more modern toolkit to accelerate maintenance and future development. |