Projects in the topic fpga

Program FPGA using Verilog and VHDL

a project by aschnell

Learn to program a FPGA using Verilog and VHDL

Updated almost 4 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

ECL monochrome monitor signal to HDMI with a FPGA (ULX3S)

a project by tsbogend

Some of my old workstations (Sun3, Apollo DN3x00/4x00) use ECL signals for their monochrome monitor. Since these monitors are already dead or dying I was looking for a conversion to something more modern. As I couldn't find anything I found the ULX3S boards, which already have everything for driving a HDMI monitor. So goal of this project is to use the FPGA board for converting the video signal.

Updated almost 4 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️. 1 follower.


an invention by mkoutny

Project Description

Updated over 1 year ago. No love. 2 followers.